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Life at 3 MPH

I like to walk. I was a hiker as a kid, and in college, I would go out walking especially if I had something difficult with a relationship to figure out or a struggle I  …

Patience and Grief

There is just no way around it. Grieving sucks. It is challenging, difficult, life-changing in all the ways that it grabs a hold of us. It is uncomfortable, disconcerting, and exhausting. When we are in  …

Where Were You?

“Where were you?”  That is a question asked of those who remember the assassination of JFK. It is striking that however long it has been they can still remember vividly that moment. Where were you  …

Keeping Your Relationship Alive

“Love that does not renew itself every day becomes a habit and in turn a slavery.” Kahlil Gibran, Sand & Foam p. 28 After our person dies the feeling of being lost and missing them  …

A Person’s Death Changes Us

The death of a person we are attached to brings a lot of changes in our life. It meets us and brings new challenges. Part of what is difficult is that we don’t get to  …

Fear & Grief

Fear. It has been with us forever. It is one of the basic and natural emotions that we have. Fear alerts us to danger. Fear informs us that we are exposed and have been laid  …