Resting After the Holidays
We are just past the longest night of the year, and we face a winter of dark and cold. For some, that darkness is a strong metaphor for their grief. And darkness can be frightening.
These dark nights invite us into a time when we can slow down. The longer nights provide time to reflect on your loved one and your life together, as well as time to rest. As grievers, rest is important and very helpful to us. It takes a lot of energy to grieve. To give ourselves the opportunity to rest, especially following a taxing holiday season, is an act of care and compassion for our own selves that can be very healing.
To step into this time of long nights with intention also provides us the strength needed to face the frightening nature of darkness. Making the decision to do this activates our courage and gives us a solid place to stand as we challenge the supremacy of the darkness and the long night of our grief. To intentionally stand before it and choose to step into it puts our fears under our command.
Receive the gift the darkness of this season brings – time. Time to rest and recover. Time to spend with your loved one in memory.